Monday, 27 December 2010

Funny Bumper Stickers

Stick one of our Bumper Magnetic Prank on friends' car or van if you need a good laugh as they drive down the road. Magnetic Signs are printed with funny words like "I love gay porn","I love black cock" etc. and it won't damage the vehicles.
See lots of them in

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Fake Glass Bullet Holes : Cars and Truck Toys

These fake bullet holes  will fool anybody.  Imagine If  they are spotted by your friends,watch them cry like a small kid. These realistic looking can be applied on almost any surface, and do not worry about remove them because it can be easily peel off and won't leave no marks. See more Fake Bullet Holes in

Monday, 20 December 2010

Funny Costumes : Adult Banana Costume

Bananas are enriched with potassium and execellence fruit for  the releif of muscle cramps when digested. Bananas look funny on the other hand!  With our Adult Banana Funny Costume  will make you look hillarious when you dress like one.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Prank of the days

here's the latest suggestions for silly pranks you can play on just about anyone:

1. Plant some random vegetables in a neighbor's lawn..they won't discover the prank until the random veggies start growing!

2. Put a bar of soap in someone's coffee, like Farva did in Super Troopers.

3. Every day take a small object from one room and place it another room. Repeat until room is empty.

4. Make some cookies with SUPER hot chilies. Put the cookies out but put a sign up that says “Do Not Eat - Very Hot”

5. Fill up your neighbor's mailbox with ping pong balls!

6. Invite people over for dinner, but make them remove their shoes when they come into your house. When no one is looking, put an egg in each of their shoes!

7. Steal all of your roommates underpants, and place them in their closet next to a gnome, and tell them the underpants gnome got 'em!

8. Run this Flash app on a friend's computer screen & they will thnk their computer is crashing!

9. Rent 3 sheep and spray paint them with the numbers: 1, 2, and 4(not #3), and release them at school, so when people try to capture them, they'll think there's 4 sheep instead of just 3!

10. Scrape all the deodorant out of a friend's deodorant bar & replace it with cream cheese!

11. Take a package of Oreo's & eat the cream out of ALL of them. Replace the cream with toothpaste. Put the package back & wait for someone to eat!
12. Take your bathroom bar of soap & paint clear nail polish all over it. The next time someone tries to wash up, they'll discover the soap is completely useless!

13. Valentine's Day prank: Buy a box of chocolates. Eat all the chocolates. Give empty box to girlfriend :)

14. Try out this HILARIOUS water ceiling prank...all you need is a bowl, water, and a broom:
15. On a buddy's car, run a jumper wire from their door dome light switch (the little plunger at the hinges) to the brake light switch under the dash around the brake pedal. Every time they hit the brakes, the dome light will go on - great at night!

What are some other funny pranks you have pulled on friends that should be included in an upcoming "Prank of the Day?"